Ceiling Lamps

Add these eye catching lamps to your home design or outdoor decorations and watch how they capture the attention of everyone. 

8 Colors to choose from, mix N match your own colors!
6 sizes available.

*Click to enlarge

Size from 0-5, with each size around 50% larger than the previous.
Eg. Size 1 is 50% larger than size 0.
Colors: White, Red, Pink, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Orange
Refer to "Size and Sights" page for reference.

These lamps are pre-assembled.
Price range:
Size 0: $25 onwards
Size 1: $50 onwards
Size 2: $65 onwards
Size 3: $75 onwards
Size 4: $90 onwards
Size 5: $100 onwards

Welcome to send in your inquiries.

Every lamp comes with:
1. Energy saving bulb - 18V
2. Wire with bulb holder

To order, please order in the following format:
Product code, quantity, color.
Eg. DS-0-055 / 1 / red, TL-0-058 / 2 / blue.

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